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tv   [untitled]    March 16, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the cheap every green little hotel in tulsa. in the home. good critical new clues iteration engine that goes from bad to worse as a sudden spike in radiation levels in the star will be drawn from the stricken tradition of how our. modern japanese government insists there's no immediate danger of a questionable track right all the telling the truth about past nuclear problems means not everyone's keep it seems. to japan's nuclear concerns that's the whole asia pacific region and the potential fallout there to teach far and wide to leave the smog begins to come. back and now that he's got the forces in libya i'll be
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taking ever more ground from the rebels while most of the world powers against imposing a no fly zone of the country the un is still set to discuss it with. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t. live from moscow with me alice had been our top story now japan may be using controlled out of her because she nuclear power plants are rising radiation levels and it tends to stabilize the situation has been halted all smoke has been seen coming from the site which is the way he behaves with explosions and fires since friday's make a quake our correspondent. is following the crisis for she joins us live from tokyo now as you know so what have you been hearing about the situation at the facility.
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well at this point we know that this morning fire broke out at the fourth reactor at the plant. when it's extinguished and was seemingly on its own about half an hour later however tepco the company that operates the fukushima power plant said that they could not send anybody down to evaluate the fire or determine where the smoke was coming from because of the high radiation level in fact out of eight hundred and out of the even hundred workers which where everything we had originally had plans to remains and they were pulled out later earlier today because of the gradation of those which again were too high we also have to keep in mind that a third reactor is also suppose in some danger it's a containment vessel broke and gave a crack as actually to the containment vessel of the first reactor so wait seems like that by the way things are looking right now everything every older can seem
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purpose schumer nuclear power plant is sort of giving way now and what is going to happen is yet unclear there was a report from reuters just about ten minutes ago which said that the workers were allowed back in however that actually has not been confirmed by any other anees agency but we do know that radiation levels are skyrocketing all across the country in fact. in town just a little over a hundred miles north of tokyo radiation levels exceeding three hundred times their normal amount we also know that radiation levels in tokyo. measured by those who are arriving at the airport since this morning they were about eleven times they do they need the amount that is considered to be normal or safe for humans but of course my colleague i work i work but it is over. we're just hundred kilometers away from the nuclear power plant and he has more details of what is going on there
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. on the surface they're going to sit simply normal from what i've seen the last five days or so since arriving in japan it's not in japanese culture to panic not not to run around. in a furious can against in there's an undercurrent of anxiety and fear and it's a different kind of fear now because when a tsunami earthquake they can see and hear the threats this the radiation they can't see or smell it it's an invisible enemy so now it's a different kind of threat just this morning i spoke to a young japanese couple with just a ten day old newly born boy and they were actually from sendai and they were in sendai when the earthquake struck they have to move until now because the mother was who we are now heading to tokyo as fast as they can and this is just another. war evidence of people who don't trust the government don't trust the advice the radiation isn't spreading into a greater area outside and people don't trust the government and they want to get
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out of this queue of people is a kilometer long they're trying to stockpile what food is left in sendai most shelves are empty now the people here are getting ready to hide fearing an invisible killer radiation explosions at the fukushima daiichi power plant to put the country on the cusp of nuclear meltdown one damaged reactors outer casing and the final two reactors have now lost cooling capability to radiation levels peak near the plant at four hundred times the amount normally absorbed. there are fears it will spread across the country and that's why it's the same information and footage being broadcast on every channel you have just to guess many things look for them in other places you can get them in the japanese sources there's some very strict censorship which doesn't let as understand the true picture and that's not helping. while residents prepared to go to ground for a news crew the fleeing this team from new zealand is heading finegan to airport
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but flights from there to sucker in tokyo are already fully booked for the next two days the exodus has begun here on the west coast. has already closed. for another eight hours already turning up trying to get on the next available flight out of the country such as desperation to escape. we have to wait until morning to get the next one. we have to wait outside but we will because we want to stay the radiation some though have nowhere to run to this was once a village those who lived here are returning to find there's simply nothing left the devastation just goes on and on. more than half a million people have been left homeless their belongings swallowed up and spat out by the tsunami relief workers are searching for survivors all along japan's ravaged coast what's now a sea of debris fifteen thousand have already been rescued but over seven thousand
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the still missing and some parts haven't even been reached yet over two and a half thousand relief centers are still packed and will be for several weeks it's cold and uncomfortable but this is one of the few places these people can get food and shelter juge parts of the country have been completely wiped out but the threat of nuclear meltdown means they could still be more to come after bennett r.t. the gutter japan. is a very safe. there's a package but what's the situation like where you are is there panic. well no i wouldn't say that people are running around screaming in horror at the moment but you have to notice a certain. eerie quiet in the air there is not that many people out on the streets those who are in the street are wearing masks and they have their hair covered which is of some of the elementary cautions which are said to be somewhat helpful in the case when in the case of radiation exposure some food has been wiped off the
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shelves if you go to any convenience store you will see that most of them are essentially mostly empty everything that remains are just some sweets and chocolate bars and pencils and newspapers the rest of that food is essentially gone and that is the current situation in tokyo of course people are being told by the government that the current radiation levels are have been acceptable rate there and do not pose any danger to health however the evidence shows as history shows the japanese government hasn't exactly proven to be always always always trustworthy and everything that it does saying or worth to the public should actually be checked there's a report and that. with reactors and difficult she were a nuclear power plant having gone up in smoke fears about a possible meltdown a little large japanese authorities give assurances there is no imminent threat to
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tokyo residents but past evidence suggests they're not to be trusted completely over many years the nuclear industry and the regulators in japan but also in every society every country that operates nuclear power you find consistently you get there's a lack of transparency a lack of. maybe they just think i think we can but that's too much information why should we provide the information in fact just five years ago the plant operator tokyo electric power company or tepco it's nittatsu falsifying temperature readings for cooling materials advocacy much as early as in one nine hundred eighty five and with the country now facing a major disaster the government will be careful in choosing its words. i think what is going to happen in the job is go. of course.
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but also there accountable to other countries and other nations all slots in two thousand to the governments disclose that at least twenty nine cases of damage to the reactor had been swept under the carpet that incident because presidents and some senior officials to quit in scandal in two thousand and three seventeen ted cooperated plants were ordered to be shut down again because the operator lied about what was happening at these sites so the japanese officials put on a somber face but give assurances everything's fine not everyone's convinced particularly when the country's already got enough other problems to deal with if you don't have the emergency resources if your infrastructure has been destroyed and the further you go away from the reactor the more difficult the more the worse the population settlements are the more difficult it is to evacuate you don't want to panic the public to get them to so for evacuees and maybe on within report
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themselves in harm's way but when thousands of lives are on the line such a policy can easily be counterproductive there is a growing distrust in japan that the information they're receiving is not warning us to the extent that we would like and when it doesn't reduce it just makes them more uncertain and when he can't trust the information. as it stands japan appears to be balancing on the brink of a nuclear meltdown and though the official version of events implores everyone to stay calm history shows not all their words could be taken at face value in tokyo here goes r.t. . or a nuclear power ecstatic greenpeace yonhap a pound says even when where kids can get access to the control room for protection of apartment towers a place coupled with the conditions they have to do it in predicting death excess is impossible. situation at this moment remains critical and will remain
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critical several days there's only fifty plans of the mountains and they work in fifteen minutes shifts which is which is very little and they have to work very many things going to homes because remote control installations have gone down the main operating room is not usable because of the radiation levels they're working under extremely difficult circumstances to try to prevent the worst from the worst which would which would indeed be a core that is completely dry and that would would lead to a meltdown it is very early now to predict what would happen because it would depend on how much of the material would get out if you differential what the sea streams would be what the wind with me what is certain is that the spread of this material in the air would not go as far as that we've seen with the reason for that is that it will likely boost as high in the air because there's no graphite in it like likely internal the reaction that means that most of the sea would fall nearer to nuclear power station but there it would create larger havoc than we've seen it
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in the case of chernobyl. absolute blackout the chinalco vasta think the threats nuclear contamination poses and any poisonous fallout from the fukushima plant could also on a ride in danger in several neighboring countries with an arsonist or potential disastrous consequences it could bring and you may find some of the images that report is staggering. these are just some of the terrible examples of what radiation can teach humans. to protect residents shortly after the explosions at the fukushima nuclear plant the japanese government moved more than two hundred thousand people through a twenty kilometer exclusion zone around the complex but despite such measures the dad lee facts of nuclear emission could go much further. i arrive or radioactive
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isotopes go up into the atmosphere forming radioactive clouds and it depends on the winds how far it will gold before poisonous rains will pour down but it will happen anyway were it back in one thousand nine hundred six after the chernobyl disaster in solve each ukraine clouds covered in two thousand kilometer distance and his days reaching this swedish case in the north with contamination eventually extending as far west as britain and ireland in the worst case scenario today just about every kanchi in the asia pacific region would be a fact of it including a fire race in russia. if the wind is strong and blows to the west bellamy both koreas in china but if it's a south western direction then thailand malaysia and mine more or suffer war in asia in the philippines if it's in the south russia's far east and the corals are very likely to be in danger. it's too hard to predict
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exactly what's going to happen and plan actually say the best thing to do to protect people is to use full dam of the potential threat and given the chance to pick tact and sounds. the public in japan stink of perma lazier and the philippines was science phone text messages warning that about possible acid rain even though some are more than five thousand kilometers from the fukushima nuclear plant people have been advised to stay indoors if it rains and to take protection as rainfall may burn skin damage hair and cause cancer but acid chauhan as will pollute rivers and underground waters as well as contaminated soil when there is no chance of avoiding the consequences and the time it will take for ready active materials to file exist they will take generations. reason or snotty morse
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code. coming out the hard part now we sat down with walt the past is that all for an associate fellow at chatham house as he shares his expert opinion on the situation in japan. problem is that they may have water levels rising and falling they may have fuel exploded we know that they have had if you were exposed which is produce the reaction the reaction between the more. metal in the water which produces the hydrogen so we really have certainly had some feel very much we may well have fuel ceramic fuel pellets that are now also circulating through the core and that will be clogging up channels and generally generally changing the configuration of geometry of the core and unless the rear unless the reactor engineers know what is going on they're liable to do something wrong.
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but if you're in the affected. aries you can always share your experiences by logging onto our facebook account just enter the news as one was a lot made also has the latest videos analysis and news on the situation in japan as well as all our other top stories so if you know something that you think the rest of the world should hear about and to log on or r.t. news on facebook. so other news now in libya colonel gadhafi forces are gaining more ground by retaking rebel held city major world powers have so far dismissed imposing a no fly zone over conflicts true issues to be discussed by the un with the very latest now positively well he's standing by for us. japanese forces are said to have reclaimed more territories happened they is the game really up to the rebels there. well more and more it does seem as if it's game up for the rebels gadhafi
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forces have broken through the last major line of resistance before the town of bint ghazi which is the heart of the rebel stronghold on tuesday in a massive land an air assault gadhafi forces took over the town of which is just some one hundred fifty kilometers away from benghazi what this means is record of his forces are now in full control of the close still struck between these two towns in each remember that it was only ten days ago that rebel forces had control of almost half this country they were in control in the east and they also had control of civil cities in the razed and now gadhafi forces have managed to reclaim most of their land it's ok if we claimed all the cities in the waist except for misrata. and it seems that like the idea of imposing a no fly zone over libya failed to get approval at the g eight meeting in paris the shitters little four to the u.n. . well as you say in the closing statement of the g. eight ministers meeting in paris on cheese day there was no mention of
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a no fly zone britain and france remain at the forefront of calling for to be implemented over libya while there are several countries including the united states germany russia and china which has veto power the u.n. security council they are opposed to it now are representatives from france and britain and lebanon lebanon acting on behalf of the arab league he met on saturday in cairo they have cordoned in gloucester no fly zone. those representatives have drafted a united nations resolution calling for to be implemented that discussion was held behind closed doors on shoes speaking after their u.n. security council meeting the british ship was entered to say that they had a lot of discussion and he did at mit that they would. not be such as how would it be implemented who would be participating in that discussion will continue today wednesday night cinci the draft resolution it is looking for a ban on all flights over libyan is space excluding humanitarian aid missions it
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also calls for the stick to implementation of arms in bardos adopted in resolution one nine seven zero two weeks ago at the same time it also calls for the president prevention of foreign mercenaries from being able to into libya the whole goal of those draft resolution is a no fly zone is to try and protect the lives of civilians but many people here feel that if indeed it is approved it will be too much too late too little too late and also it will open the door possibly for an excuse for future foreign intervention what americans really are he's one of three or. answer later in the day as you cross the top program debates whether the arab countries currently protesting against their regimes will really get what they want. when there were elections. for the people you know in the palestinian territories hamas and islamic state you know classified as a terrorist organization one so and this is i'm not trying to say that people
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should not have the royce be heard but i think it's important to keep in mind that these words which have a connotation to western ears do not necessarily mean the same thing they're sure that people want power i mean what is really i mean that's why and that's when i. got scared let me jump in this is cross talk about why this is i disagree with if hamas wins it has been given the chance to do it i mean this not just because this and this is not just in fact and cheer the biggest mistake was in ninety nine to one when there's some aswan and there was a military intervention that served the country into a cycle of violence and there is the same in palestine i must warn and the world should have accepted it instead they were didn't accept it. and. you can.
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make headlines around the globe at this fall rains because space agency attention has spread from the capital at least three people have died and hundreds injured after the clashes with security forces hospitals well i think many of. the fourth tier of weight treatment of the protesters gathered out of your regular visitors towards democracy run down as the saudi troops entered the country out the request of the world. about sunni violence and see this universe here for you from march to the venezuelan capital of a modern greater ponding higher education protesters from across the country the photograph in the national assembly the student. were met by me please listen to their demands she didn't say around the burst into danger closing after three years of combat by the gulf. war one many times by
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a shark off eastern coast of australia has been airlifted to a hospital in a serious condition the victim is being towed by a speedboat on her great food when the attack in the bay the twenty three year old thing heads neck and injury. ok a recap of our main story after the prisoners report here on r.t. . hello and a very warm welcome to the business block the economic aftermath of the japanese disaster is being felt across the country and initial estimates of resident puts losses at one hundred seventy eight billion dollars but some experts say the actual figure could be much more although the quake sciri bypassed and just real heartland the shock waves are being felt throughout the business sector firms like solemnly
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toyota honda still have production suspended at close to factories hours the power supply remains critical in the country carmakers should builders and knology companies worldwide are short of supplies after the disaster transportation is also badly a factor for telling as much as seventy percent of japan's industrial output sustained major damage with most likely to be out of operation for months and damage to the world refined there is this happening in knock on effect with queues forming a natural parts. of the japanese economy is enough strong to sustain quake side effects that's according to one of russia's leading economists agree it. it depends there's already in trouble but generally if you if you if you look at the the current account balance if you look at the expert position in general germany's economy is pretty healthy and what we are talking about is not because of the new construction. in basic terms it's a fiscal course it's not
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a matter of the call economy milkand on the wall of the financial system and i think it's a very negative supply shortage i think one could compare it to the draw to be in the summer of two thousand and ten in russia i think we should be reasonably sure the music on music all the new year will remain will remain on track. but see how the asian markets perform japanese shares jumped on wednesday recall we could bring some of the have to losses suffered in the previous two sessions and the case just under three concerns end of life this hour the bank of japan held for growth pumping another forty three billion dollars into the thought i mentioned markets injection comes after the central bank announced a cash into overall two hundred eighty million dollars this week whether hong kong's hang seng is point four percent dollar went on concerns that china may suffer from japanese economic downturn. and here in russia the markets will open in
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just a couple of hours there are just under my eyes it's closed in the red on tuesday during news the global sell off but indices lost more than one and a half percent energy shares were losing ground on decreasing world prices. all ideas of international investors are on how the situation in japan is here. from alpha capital believes tragic events in this country will continue to push the markets. if a couple of weeks ago investors. the macroeconomic. economic growth first practice nabi are worse than the japanese problem so i think a push of the market but on the other would move cat is the car going to try to service the carbon in some of the sectors which are like you. said fred from for the recovery of the japanese economy. well with the japanese
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car giants like toyota honda nissan closing their factories market watchers fear an all for all downturn in the auto industry but on the board ship or a sting young things the major impact on global auto industry won't last for long i don't expect a major negative impact on the overall industry. still globally speaking there are a number of. other utilized capacities elsewhere and even within japan so yes that there is a momentary disruption for a few days however i don't think that this wonderful have a big impact. japanese electronic companies which closed factories have to throw up its connected production chains of high tech products worldwide however of legitimate jason partners consulting believes retail prices surge goods will not
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rise significantly. japan is the main producer of very manic and flash memory chips which are commonly used in mobile phones computers and laptops so a drop in production of these chips me lead to a deficit of certain high tech goods and speculative price growth even in the worst scenario the retail price growth of ten to fifteen percent. ok i thought perhaps up to business bulletin join me unless someone else time for more business stories here on r t and get more from our website our dot com slash.
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